610-522-4506(Pennsylvania) / 302-543-5089(Delaware) / +91-7021393030(India)
Aviva Mental Health is a Behavioral Health Clinic which provides integrated services to all clients that need Mental Health care.
Aviva’s Director, Ms. Susmaria Charles AKA Suzie Charles, MHS; CPSS was instrumental in developing Aviva’s Outpatient Mental Health Programme. Her personal experience and her passion for Mental Health was the core foundation of Aviva. Mrs. Charles has been working with grass root consumers for the past 30 years.
オンラインカジノは、https://jam-tube.com/ インターネットを通じてリアルタイムでプレイできるゲームのプラットフォームです。スロット、ポーカー、ブラックジャックなど、多種多様なゲームを楽しむことができます。自宅の快適な環境で、リアルなカジノ体験を提供します。しかし、適度なプレイが重要で、依存性に注意する必要があります。また、個人情報の保護とセキュリティ対策も重要な要素となります。
At Aviva, we strongly believe in meeting our consumers where they are in their Mental mind frame. Ms. Suzie strongly believes that “Our Children are our Future.” We need to stabilize our children not only through Education, but prepare them Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. She strongly believes in the holistic approach not only for Children but also for Adults.
無料スロットゲームは、無料スロットゲーム 多くのオンラインプレーヤーに人気のあるオプションです。これらのゲームは、リアルマネーでプレイする必要なく、エキサイティングなカジノ体験を提供します。あなたは異なるテーマやグラフィック、ボーナス機能を楽しむことができます。また、それらはプレイヤーが新しいゲームを試す、または既存のスキルを磨くのに役立つ素晴らしいプラクティスツールでもあります。しかし、これらのゲームはギャンブルではなく、実際の賞金を提供するものではありません。また、一部の人々はこれらのゲームが中毒性があり、適度な使用が推奨されると感じています。
We as a community need to continue our fight against the stigma of Mental Health, not only in the USA but also in India and other parts of the world. Losing human life due to Depression and Overdose within the 21st Century is very disheartening. Thus, as a community, we need to fight against the Stigma and strive to make it a better place for all of us.
Remember, “Mental Health is not a Disability, neither a personal failure, it’s an Illness”. I strongly believe that, for every addiction and mental health, “Recovery is possible with a Systemic Approach.” My first step is to reach out to my community in India. We have started an awareness and our goal is to encourage our community to ask for help whenever one feels depressed or suicidal. Each life is precious and worth fighting for.
For Appointments, kindly visit our “Contact Us” Page.
Pennsylvania (PA) license for Mental Health & Substance Abuse Delaware state (DE) license for Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Opioid Services, Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
Total Clients undertaken
Total Experience of the Staff
Clinical Directors, Collingdale, PA: Provide Clinical Supervision to other Master’s level Clinicians; Provide one-to-one Individual counseling to clients suffering from Mental Illness. Send res to: Aviva Mental Health Services, Inc. at pmccoy@avivamhs.com
Aviva is trying to extend its support and services to the Indian community via digital modes in anticipation of stabilizing their community and in getting rid of the stigma with Mental Health.
Aviva provided 50 food baskets each, at Thanksgiving and as well as at Christmas, to clients who were in need thus helping them in celebrating in a small way.
Aviva acknowledges the efforts of the healthcare staff like the Doctors and the Nurses of Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital and hosted a lunch for the hospital staff.
Aviva felicitated the Sanitation workers of Collingdale borough to show appreciation towards their hard work in keeping our neighborhood in the best possible condition.